
Shoulder Health and Maintenance

Shoulder injuries are one of the most diagnosed, as well as one of the most debilitating, injuries in former athletes. Many of these can be resolved with proper shoulder health and maintenance activities. Consult with your primary care sports medicine physician, orthopedic, or your physical therapist before starting any significant training regimen or rehabilitation on your shoulder. If you have extreme pain, numbness and tingling, or very limited range of motion we highly recommend setting an appointment up promptly. Below are two simple tips that can be used to start your shoulder health and maintenance.

Most of us have heard about the need for good posture. Posture is a position – not an over exaggeration of a position. A simple technique that works GREAT for improving your posture – “Put your armpits in your back pockets while maintaining a tight firm core”. It takes several small efficient movements that contribute to the proper movement of your scapula and shoulder.

Range of Motion
Many former athletes will be limited or have excessive motion in possibly one or more directions. The shoulder is the most dynamic joint in the human anatomy with the largest range of motion...which leads to why there are so many dysfunctions contributed to it. After consulting with your medical staff, working on your limited motion will be key alongside learning how and what muscles to engage. Our rotator cuff has four small, but VERY important muscles. In most cases, addressing the activation of these as well as true control of your scapula (shoulder blade) can alleviate some shoulder pain and increase your range of motion.

Below is a quick routine that can help start the process for healthy shoulders. All exercises are to be completed in a slow controlled manor (5 – 8 seconds per repetition) while maintaining proper posture. These exercises are done for control and endurance, you do not need a lot of weight. In most cases, with proper form and sets and reps, weight is not needed at all. If you do decide to add weight, you will not need more than 3 - 5 pounds and we would recommend starting slow and focusing on control in both the up and down portions of the rep.

• Rope/Towel Shoulder Stretch
• Scapular Push Up
• Floor W’s and T’s
• Standing Anterior and Lateral Shoulder Raise

Repeat the exercise by raising your arms in front of your body with your palms down. Reminder, these exercises are for control and do not require a lot of weight.

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