
Maximize Your Efforts: Hydration During Workout

Fueling your body before, during and after your workout is essential to obtaining the right results. It is important to stay hydrated during exercise to maintain performance and cognition. Proper fueling during and between activities helps replenish hydration and fuel levels to maintain optimal performance.

Maintain hydration

Keep weight loss to less than 2% during your workout (for example, a 200 pound person should lose no more than 4 pounds of body weight)

Take 4-6 gulps of fluid every 15 minutes

Pay extra attention to your hydration when you are sweating more than usual or when you are in an extreme environment

Try monitoring how well you are hydrating during your workouts by weighing yourself before and after your workout

Drink 20 ounces of fluid for each pound of weight you lose during activity

Water vs. sports drinks

For many recreational activities and workouts, water is sufficient to maintain hydration. However, sports drinks or electrolyte replacement options are typically warranted when training at a moderate to high intensity for more than one hour, training in extreme environments or if you are trying to gain lean body mass. Lower-calorie options or water are preferable when you’re training for one hour or less, for low intensity exercises and when the overall goal is weight loss. When exercise level warrants the consumption of a sports drink, 20 to 32 ounces per hour is all that is needed to fuel the body. Use water for the rest of your hydration needs.

Homemade Sports Drink Recipe

1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup hot water
1/4 cup orange juice
3 1/2 cups cold water (may substitute coconut water if desired)
2 tsp honey or stevia for sweetness (optional)

Dissolve the salt in the hot water in a large glass pitcher or sauce pan.
Add ¼ cup of 100% orange juice and 3 ½ cups cold or room temperature water.
Optional: add honey or stevia for sweetness.
Stir all ingredients well.
Store in a glass pitcher in the refrigerator.

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