
Eating Clean Protein

Proteins are essential for normal functions in the entire body, not just for building muscle. Protein is important for growth and repair of every cell, and necessary in the production of hormones and enzymes as well as antibodies that play a role in immunity. As we age, protein becomes much more important as the amount we consume slowly starts to go down. Ever wonder how many grams of protein you should consume in a day?

Here’s a handy chart based on a 200 pound male:

Sedentary Adult – 80 grams protein/day
Recreational Exerciser – 100-140 grams protein/day
Adult Building Muscle Mass – 140-160 grams protein/day
Dieting Athlete – 160-180 grams protein/day

RECIPE: Nutrient Rich Turkey Wrap


• 4 oz sliced turkey or chicken
• 1 Tbs. green chilies, diced
• 1 oz. roasted red peppers, sliced (from a jar is acceptable)
• 2 sliced mushrooms
• 3/4 cup baby spinach
• 1 oz goat cheese
• 1 low carb whole wheat tortilla
• 5 chopped or slivered almonds

1. Prepare all ingredients and have within reach.
2. Microwave tortilla for ten seconds to make it more pliable
3. Lay out tortilla on cutting board. Lay spinach over entire tortilla. Then sprinkle green chilies, sliced mushrooms, roasted red peppers, crumbled goat cheese. Lay turkey on top of this.
4. Roll up, pulling ingredients in as you go. Then wrap in plastic and refrigerate until ready to use.

CHALLENGE: Aim for consuming a protein source with every meal and snack to rebuild muscles and boost metabolism. Choose 4-6 ounces of egg whites, fish, nuts, chicken, turkey, or lean cuts of beef and pork.

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