
Proactive Vs. Reactive

Most people will never see a Trainer or Physical Therapist until they are injured. Then the focus is on the recovery and getting out of pain. Professional athletes, especially football players know this too well. For years these players have had this treatment which is predominately “reactive”. When these players retire there is a vast shift of how to look after your body for life. Being “proactive” with looking after your body can go a long way to keeping pain levels down, maintain mobility and an active lifestyle.

10 minutes of stretching daily, understanding how to prep your body correctly for working out, getting 20mins per day of movement, can all go a long way of keeping your body mobile and staying out of pain. Just because you might not have pain now, doesn’t mean you don’t need to do these things. The more we can all be “proactive” with looking after our body, can go a long way to decreasing our pain and even preventing the pain from coming on in the first place.

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