
Navigating the Thanksgiving Feast

Thanksgiving dinner tends to be a smorgasbord of meat, treats and drinks. Here are a few tips to allow yourself to indulge without going too far overboard.

Eat some vegetables. If you’re not sure what the host is serving, bring a salad or the green bean recipe below to ensure you have a healthy vegetable option. The fiber and nutrients will help you feel fuller with little calories!

Look at all the options before loading up your plate. This will keep you from putting food on your plate you don’t really want, so you can focus on your favorite foods.

Slow down! Eat slowly and savor each bite. Desserts options are usually endless after Thanksgiving dinner. Allow yourself to have your top two favorites, but make sure you eat slowly and savor or else you won’t be satisfied and you’ll be reaching for seconds and thirds.

Don’t overdo the leftovers. Finding ways to reuse the turkey and vegetables is a great idea. But if you are going to be tempted by all the leftover pies and cookies, you’re better off throwing them out.

Move. Plan for a family walk after dinner, or maybe a tag football game. Being active after eating will help control your blood sugar and may keep you from overeating.

Check in with your hunger. If you ate so much you’re not hungry the following morning, it’s okay to skip breakfast or have a light option, like some yogurt or an apple with almond butter. Keep it simple and light to help balance out the indulgences from the previous night.

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