
Interview Preparedness

You have worked hard throughout the course of your job search; you got the interview and believe you have prepared yourself for the opportunity. Bernard Marr, LinkedIn Influencer, best-selling author, keynote speaker and consultant believes that the interview comes down to three simple questions.

The following is excerpted from Bernard Marr's Job Interview: Why Only 3 Questions Really Matter.

There are really only 3 questions you have to prepare for and you can link most of the interview questions back to these three. Preparing for them also means you can answer most questions more naturally, simply by referring mentally back to your preparations for these three questions.

1. Have you got the skills, expertise and experience to perform the job?
Think about the key skills you might need for the job you have applied for and assess your own level of expertise and experience in that context. It makes sense to identify the more specific or technical skills that your potential employer might.

2. Are you enthusiastic and interested in the job and the company?
You want to demonstrate that you have researched the company, understand its strategy, current performance, structure, market position and products and that you can’t wait to join them.

3. Will you fit into the team, culture and company?
This final key question is about your personality and your style and how you as a person fit into the team and culture of the company.

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