
Exercise Highlight of the Week: The Squat

There are many variations of the squat (which we will discuss in some of our upcoming posts) that will challenge your entire system differently.

One of the most important aspects of squatting is safety! If you have limiting issues within your physical system, that does not mean you must avoid the exercise completely. Modifications to the squat to protect your safety still have many benefits like:

  • Increased strength
  • Increased power
  • Enhanced core strength
  • Improved flexibility
  • Reduced risk of injury
  • Increased hormone release

Technique is the second most important aspect of squatting and it goes hand in hand with safety. There are misconceptions that squatting is bad, but when done correctly, the list above truly shows the benefits of the exercise. In this scenario, we are going to discuss a back squat.

This is determined by the location of the bar on the person’s body.

  1. Bar across your upper back (NOT ON NECK), shoulders back, head up
  2. Stand with a strong balanced base, slightly wider than shoulder width Toes forward and slightly turned out, no more than 10-15 degrees
  3. Weight should be balanced through your foot, not all on toes or heels
  4. As you go down, hips push back and down equally
  5. Knees do not collapse together or push forward past your toes
  6. Depth is to parallel - unless otherwise noted by poor form or injury contraindication
  7. Weight is to be added gradually, once body weight squat form is perfected
  8. Correct form squatting is more impressive than squatting a lot of weight with bad form

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