The Trust has partnered with Financial Finesse to deliver former players and their families personalized financial guidance at no cost. Financial Finesse’s financial coaches are completely unbiased and free from the conflicts of interest that plague the financial services industry – meaning they do not manage assets or sell any financial securities or investments.

Financial Finesse

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Rock-solid financial security begins with sound decisions.
How Financial Finesse Can Assist You:
- Get a second opinion to avoid investment scams that frequently target pro athletes
- Protect yourself and your family from Identity Theft – the fastest growing crime in the US
- Plan your successful financial transition to a post-football career
- Build a strong budget and develop strategies for how to stick to it
- Seek guidance on the best ways to pay down debt and boost your credit score
- Coordinate your benefits from the NFL and a second career to achieve financial security
- Fix financial problems before they reach a crisis level such as foreclosure or bankruptcy
- Assemble the financial structure to start your own business
- Determine the best ways to put your children through college
- Serve as a trusted resource to help you navigate the unexpected financial issues you face throughout your life
Through this benefit, former players receive ongoing access to one of the Certified Financial Planner™ professionals for unbiased phone-based financial coaching and planning.
In addition, you have 24/7 access to the company’s award-winning Financial Wellness Hub with Aimee™, your Virtual Financial Coach. Aimee will motivate you with personalized action plans and opportunities to level up. Through this site, former players can also access thousands of pieces of content and tools to help them achieve their financial goals.