The first thought I had was, ‘What’s next?’ Thankfully I had prepared - my rookie year I received advice from Darrell Green (HOF: Class of 2008), who told me to prepare to retire every year. I had done everything I could do to prepare myself for the next step.

Scott Turner currently serves the NFL Legends Community as Director of the Central South Region. He played 9 seasons in the NFL as a defensive back for the Washington Redskins, San Diego Chargers and Denver Broncos.

I had a great support network and mentorship team who helped me not only while I played but also with my transition and retirement.
My wife, Robin, and I have had strong communication throughout our marriage, so there was always an open dialogue while I played and when I retired which really helped me. I received good advice from my parents and my godparents, as well.
Aeneas Williams (HOF: Class of 2014) has also been a great mentor for me through the years. I’m very grateful.

The Legends Community helps guys connect with one another, their former teams, the league, and their communities. It’s a vessel and tool to keep guys engaged in the game and the locker room camaraderie.
“ It’s a vessel and tool to keep guys engaged in the game and the locker room camaraderie. ”
At its core, it’s a service role. I serve players and their families to help them get connected with one another, as well as educate them about the benefits available.
Because player scenarios are different, day-to-day responsibilities change. Some players are doing just fine transitioning out of football. Some players have a little bit more difficulty. We walk side-by-side with them to help them transition smoothly and help them uncover their gifts or passions. There’s a variety of opportunity and responsibility. It’s a great place for me to serve.
“ We walk side-by-side with them to help them transition smoothly and help them uncover their gifts or passions. ”
Two things encouraged me: my love of people/players and my love of the game. I desire to see players and their families from generation to generation be successful in the game of football and the game of life. Working with the Legends Community gives me the opportunity to serve and encourage each other in that transition.
“ Two things encouraged me: my love of people/players and my love of the game. I desire to see players and their families from generation to generation be successful in the game of football and the game of life. ”
Playing in the NFL for nine years was a great honor and a blessing. I always prayed that when I got out of the NFL, the platform I had would increase so I could reach more people. I'm very fortunate I've had the opportunity to fulfill not only my dream of playing in the NFL but also my dream of being a servant leader of people.
I started a speaking company my second year in the league, so when I retired, I continued speaking. I’ve been involved in the software industry for almost 12 years as a Chief Inspiration Officer for a private software company, Systemware, Inc. I continued working with US Congressman, Duncan Hunter. I served in special projects for our nation’s military as they transitioned out of the military into private life. I helped them go back to school and get employment during that transition time. I served two terms in the Texas House of Representatives, representing the 33rd district. It was a great opportunity to serve people, which is what my heart and passion are.
“ I always prayed that when I got out of the NFL, the platform I had would increase so I could reach more people. ”

It was a great experience getting into public service after leaving the NFL. It was an opportunity for me to use the platform the Lord gave me as a professional athlete and put it into the service of people at large and the constituents of my district. It was very fascinating to work on policy and to take votes that literally could affect generations to follow. I did my very best to steward well and with great humility. It taught me to die to self and to live for other people.
“ It was very fascinating to work on policy and to take votes that literally could affect generations to follow. ”
If you have a heart to serve people and our country, I always say, 'Go for it.' But, do your homework and be very careful of the people you get involved with. Politics is a different game – it’s not like football. Football players trust each other. Even if you don’t know another player, as soon as you meet him you know he’s part of your same brotherhood. Politics is not that way. I encourage guys to get involved politically, whether elected or not. It’s a tremendous privilege we have to be able to be a part of the political process.
“ I encourage guys to get involved politically, whether elected or not. It’s a tremendous privilege we have to be able to be a part of the political process. ”
I have a grateful heart The Trust is available to me and my peers. The Trust has been a tremendous blessing to me. The first benefit I used was the Brain & Body Assessment. I conducted my assessment at UNC at Chapel Hill and it was so great to be able to get a full-body work up.
The Breakfast Clubs are awesome. It’s a great time working out and encouraging each other. It’s all about the fellowship of players and the camaraderie we have – it’s a ton of fun. You get treatment in areas you may have suffered an injury or have some difficulty in. You have a personal trainer lead you through workouts. Some of the guys haven't seen other players in a long time and were missing a sense of community. The Breakfast Club provides that, a great workout, and a healthy lifestyle. I encourage all former players to go, it’s extremely encouraging.

“ Some of the guys haven't seen other players in a long time and were missing a sense of community. The Breakfast Club provides that, a great workout, and a healthy lifestyle. ”
They should know it’s available - education and knowledge are key. Learn what it is, why it’s there, and what it can do for former players. Our job is to educate and help one another know what's available to us and our families.
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