
Romby Bryant

Trust Spotlights

Romby Bryant


Romby Bryant, the former NFL and CFL wide receiver and special teams player, continues to prioritize his health through Exos, a Trust partner. For Bryant, however, Exos has also become an outlet for him to build a strong and supportive Former Players community.

If you were to walk into the sleek Exos training facility in Frisco, Texas, you would hope to run into Romby Bryant. Described by the Exos team as a “fixture of the facility,” he is a Trust Member and Former Player who embodies the importance of striving for both physical and holistic health years after one’s career on the field is over. “He is one of our most active and engaged Trust Members,” those at Exos said, and while “constantly setting the pace for those around him, he also has a lot of fun here.”

From training regularly at Exos to attending Breakfast Clubs (six-week programs that aim to enhance the lives and lifestyle habits of Former NFL Players), those who are lucky enough to work out with Bryant describe him as a constant source of motivation. His presence has helped build a locker room feeling for other Former Players, who have grown connected to the camaraderie and encouragement that he embodies.

While the Exos staff didn’t hold back when raving about Bryant— “He's in great shape and is probably as fit as he was when he was in his twenties”— Bryant himself is much more humble— “There is just no way,” he laughed.

When you leave football, you lose that sense of competition. But when I found Exos, I got that back.

Born and raised in Oklahoma City, Bryant remembers first playing football in third grade at the advice of his father and with the support of his aunt and uncle, who he lived with. “I come from a huge sports family,” he said, with family members who all expected that “if you lived in their house, you had to stay in sports.”

Bryant went on to attend the University of Tulsa and joined the Arizona Cardinals as a free agent after graduating. He enjoyed four years in the NFL, where he played for NFL Europe and the Baltimore Ravens. Following his time in the NFL, Bryant went on to play for seven more years in the Canadian Football League (CFL).

After an impressive eleven-year professional career, Bryant left the game and immediately felt lost on what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He was frank about this transition into life off the field: “I didn't handle it well.”

I think a lot of guys isolate themselves because they feel like they're the only ones going through it. But we’ve all had similar experiences when we transition out of football so don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help.

"People look at your career and think you played football for three or four years but really you started when you were in grade school and that identity is still within you,” he said. “That loss of identity when you lose football is tough, and people still struggle with it post-football for a long time.”

What made the world of a different for Bryant, however, was finding a strong support system and grounding himself in a routine that provided him with familiarity and purpose. “Luckily, I had a supporting cast, like my wife and other important people in my life,” he said.

Bryant also credits Trust Captain Demetric Evans with being a huge influence in grounding him during his transition. Evans helped Bryant “soften the landing a bit” by introducing him to resources The Trust had to offer, including The Trust’s Intensive Restorative Training (IRT) Program and, of course, Exos and the Breakfast Clubs.

When I started going to the Breakfast Clubs, I just loved that they brought football and camaraderie back.

Through the IRT Program and Breakfast Clubs, Bryant started to build a supportive community of Former Players in the Dallas area who all missed working out alongside motivated individuals and wanted to be around other Former Players. From the time shared in the gym together to the friendships that have grown outside the walls of Exos— which have included group meals and golf trips—Bryant can’t overstate the community Exos and The Trust has provided him.

Today, Bryant loves living in Texas with his beautiful wife and two daughters—making him the ultimate girl dad. After going back to school to get his master’s degree in Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management from SMU, he has found success in corporate medical sales. Reflecting on how far he has come, Bryant credits his strong faith in Christ and the “village” of people who helped him get to where he is today.

To learn more about The Trust’s Breakfast Clubs hosted by Exos, House of Athlete, and Driven Elite across the country, please click here.

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