
Basic Shoulder Care

The shoulder is a very dynamic joint as it has the ability to perform an array of movements. Most movements from the time you wake up, reaching up to wash your hair or tucking in our shirt may have become painful or limited over the years. The need for this large array of movements makes the shoulder more reliant on your soft tissue to maintain mobility and stability throughout the range of motion. Weakness in or stiffness of the muscles around your shoulder can cause pain by allowing alterations in mobility or abnormal stresses to the soft tissues structures of the shoulder. Below are a few at home therapeutic care activates you can do on your own to help your shoulder health.

Basic Treatment of Shoulder Pain

  • Cold pack
    • Cryotherapy (treating with cold/ice) is a great way to reduce pain and the inflammatory process. Apply an ice bag to the area for 15-20 minutes 3X/Day.

Mobility of the Shoulder Joint

  • Towel Stretch
    • Standing in a doorway place your hands at shoulder level and lean forward until you feel a stretch on the front of the shoulder, hold for 30 seconds. You can modify by moving your hands further down or up the door frame.Utilizing a towel, you will place behind your head and back, grabbing each end. You will then slightly pull up to stretch your internal rotation on your lower hand. After 10-15 seconds of a light stretch you will then pull in the opposite direction to stretch the external rotators of your top hand. Repeat 3 times each direction and switch arms.
  • Doorway Stretch
    • Standing in a doorway place your hands at shoulder level and lean forward until you feel a stretch on the front of the shoulder, hold for 30 seconds. You can modify by moving your hands further down or up the door frame.

Basic Strength Exercises

  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Focusing on the movement to come from between your two shoulder blades and squeezing tightly. The shoulder blade, medically known as the scapula had a direct effect on all shoulder movements. If you are unable to have scapular control, chances are you will have abnormal shoulder movements.

  • Internal and External rotation
    • With these exercises, you will need a light exercise band. Standing tall, hook one end of the band to the handle of a door. Grabbing the other end keeping your elbow at 90 degrees, slowly externally rotate. Repeat 3 sets of 10 reps on both arms. After that, you will rotate your body so you will now begin internal rotation, pulling the band towards your stomach. Both directions should be done at a slow consistent speed to control the movement.

These are a few quick beginner exercises you can begin to help with your shoulder health. Please consult your physician or physical therapist prior to starting any exercise program to ensure safety. If you start to have pain at any point, stop and consult your physician.

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