
Upper and Lower Body Strength Measurement

When analyzing your body strength, there are many different types of tests and procedures that you can try to measure your results. In many cases though, focusing on yourself, your progress and your numbers is the best recommendation. Comparing your numbers to one of your colleagues is not always the best way to measure your baseline or progress.

One of the best ways to measure your strength levels is starting at YOUR baseline with a standard body weight test. Choose 2-4 body weight movements that you want to analyze, get your baseline, and begin your training. After 6-8 weeks of training, retest and see where your progress is. As you see some changes, continue your progression of your workouts. If you do not see any changes, it is time to reanalyze your workouts to make sure your workouts are setting you up for success.

Upper Body Test

Strict Push-Up Test — You can measure these two ways; by number of pushups in a set time or the number of perfect formed pushups to exertion. Once form breaks, the test is over.

Strict Pull-Up Test — You can utilize an inverted row test via TRX or suspension training system if you have previous history of shoulder injuries. After 6-8 weeks of training, retest and compare your previous numbers.

Lower Body Test

Squat Test — As you are evaluating lower body strength, focus on the quality of the squat pattern you currently have. Sometimes, doing more weight or more reps is not the best answer when you have poor patterning. Set a box/bench approximately 20 inches in height behind you. As you sit your hips back, touch the box (focus on not sitting, just a tap) and stand back to a full upright position. You can do this and measure the number of body weight squats over time or by loading yourself with a base weight (for example 50% of body weight) and squatting until form breaks. If you are going to do this test with loaded weight, please do this with the supervision of a professional.

Mile Test — (May also be used to measure your cardio, stay tuned for more information).Choose a machine or a track. Time yourself on how long it takes to complete 1 mile. You may feel that you are out of breath, showing a decreased cardiovascular system, but you may also feel that your legs are heavy and moving slow, showing decreased muscular strength and endurance. Continue this test and see how your cardiovascular system progresses over time.

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